AMADYNE Corp • High Performance Polycarbonate Front End Masks and Wind Deflectors
Corvette with Lexan front end mask installed
Protection from road debris without moisture build-up
Buy from the leader

Amadyne has been the leading provider of custom molded, high performance
Polycarbonate CarBras.

We provide the ultimate protection from paint chipping due to road debris and minor collisions while at the same time protecting your paint finish from damage due to moisture build-up that can accumulate under vinyl masks.

The included installation kit is constructed of high quality stainless steel hardware and clear spacers. Its easy installation system attaches to the existing front license plate mounting holes, so no drilling is required. Allows full access to hood and engine compartment.
Why should your car "wear a bra"?

That's an easy answer: to save you money in the long run.

Our car bras will protect your car from the numerous detrimental road conditions it faces on a daily basis. To that end, compare the price of our car bras to the costs of having the front end of your car repainted after exposure to only one of the following hazards – easy math!
Broken asphalt
Broken asphalt
Gravel, pebbles
Gravel, pebbles
Insect impact
Insect impact
Winter salt
Winter salt
Sand, Dust
Sand, Dust
Fresh paint
Fresh paint
» Image credits
Available models:

At this time, our product range comprises the following car models:

Chevrolet Logo
Chevrolet Corvette
Please select a make & model
on the left.
Polycarbonate vs. leather & film

Here are five good reasons for you to go with our state-of-the-art products:

#1: Leather covers are OUT!

Or are YOU still wearing your '70s shirts?

#2: Protective film is a hassle.

Both in the short and long run. Film is difficult to install bubble-free, may blister in the sun, and contrary to what they may try to make you believe: water and mildew MAY INDEED build up underneath the film over time.

#3: Polycarbonate is highly durable...

...while at the same time almost invisible and most certainly more attractive than the old-fashioned black leather front end mask.

#4: Got heat?

Polycarbonate will not heat up in the sun like leather does – period.

#5: No surprises: worry-free removal

If eventually you decide to take the CarBra off your car, there will be no residual adhesives, no mold damage, no sunlight-invoked color differences and no scratch- and scrapemarks caused by trapped dirt particles.

Fast'n'easy installation
Installation is as easy as 1-2-3:
1 –
Unpack the shipping box
2 –
Remove your license plate cover, and install the hardware
3 – Reinstall license plate cover, and attach the CarBra
That's all!
The included installation kit is constructed of high quality stainless steel hardware and clear spacers. Its easy installation system attaches to the existing front license plate mounting holes, so no drilling is required. Allows full access to hood and engine compartment.
Amadyne takes great pride in its commitment to customer satisfaction!
Any questions?

Please don't hesitate to ask us!

You can reach us at:

(321) 652-9650
(877) 763-2646
Dealers & vendors welcome!

We offer special prices to vendors
and dealers who buy in bulk.

Contact us by phone or through email for prices or more information.
We gladly accept a variety of payment methods including all major credit cards through PayPal, as well as cashier's checks and money orders.

Warranties, Guarantees, Terms and Conditions:   (If necessary, enlarge text by clicking CTRL and "+")

With your purchase you agree to all terms and conditions implied or stated on this website. Your Polycarbonate CarBra kit is custom made to fit the make, model and year you select and specify. You will receive your set in mint condition, free of blemishes or visual imperfections. There are no guarantees expressed or implied on our instructions or your actions regarding the handling, fitting or installation work on your part of this do-it-yourself item. Damage to your vehicle's front end surfaces may occur by not properly following directions. There are no warranties expressed or implied for your paint's finish. You agree to use diligent care in the installation of our product and to properly inspect the safety of your installation before driving your vehicle. No warranties and liabilities accepted for improper installations or improper uses of our product, or for any customer modifications to our design. The effectiveness, fit, quality and appearance of your Polycarbonate CarBra may vary or change over time due to factors beyond our control such as climate, customized setup of your individual vehicle and normal wear. In the unlikely event that your polycarbonate mask yellows within 12 months of the date of purchase, we agree to replace your item with a new set (please provide your proof of purchase). We reserve the right to evaluate the returned item first and approve or deny the case based on a professional review. Shipping and handling will be at your expense both ways. Please contact our Customer Support with any questions or concerns.